96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Monday AM |
Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-Chip
Organizer(s) - J. Greener, D. Sinton Chair(s) - C. Ren, D. Sinton
08:00 00003 Paper-Based Microfluidic Biosensors *$Liu X.
08:40 00004 Site Selective Metal Cladding in Microfluidic Reactors for Enhanced Chemical Imaging Using Raman Spectromicroscopy Paquet-Mercier F., *Greener J.
09:00 00005 Air-Stream Agitation and Optical Heating for Plastic-Based Microfluidic Systems *$Geissler M., Voisin B., Clime L., Veres T.
09:20 00006 A Facile Method for Hydrophilic Modification of PDMS-based Microfluidic Channels Chen Y., *Brook M.A.
09:40 00007 Microfluidic Electrophoretic Separations in Paper Channel Encased in Modified PDMS *$Harrison C.R., Mittchel D.C., Fitzgerald C.L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00008 Microfluidic Studies of Fast Gas Liquid Reactions Li W., Simms R., Jagadeesan D., Pinto S., Liu K., Greener J., Guenther A., $Kumacheva E.
11:00 00009 Solution Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers in Microfluidic Devices: Towards Polymeric Drug Delivery Vehicles in the Lab-on-Chip Bains A., Wang C.-W., *Moffitt M.G., Sinton D.
11:20 00010 Strong and Small: Strong Cation Exchange Solid-Phase Extractions on a Digital Microfluidic Platform *Mudrik J.M., Lafreni�re N.M., Dryden M.D.M., $Wheeler A.R.
11:40 00011 A New Microreactor with In Situ Multimodal Characterization for High Throughput Studies of the Synthesis of Multicomponent Polymerization Voicu D., Scholl C., Li W., Jagadeesan D., Nasimova I., *Greener J., Kumacheva E.
12:00 00012 A New Flow Reactor for High Temperature/High Pressure Reactions Organ M.G.
12:20 End of Session
Conversations on Teaching Analytical Chemistry: A Symposium in Memory of Walter Harris (joint with CE1)
Joint with CE1 - See Conversations on Teaching Analytical Chemistry: A Symposium in Memory of Walter Harris under Chemical Education for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with EN6)
08:00 Joint with EN6 - See Environmental Radiochemistry under Environment for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
New Trends in Protein Science
Organizer(s) - N. Voyer, P. Lavigne, J. Pelletier Chair(s) - P. Lavigne
08:00 00013 The Importance of Short- and Long-range Dynamic Fluctuations Among Structural and Functional Enzyme Homologues Gagn� D., Charest L.-A., *$Doucet N.
08:40 00014 Probing Allostery in Aminoglycoside 6'-N-acetyltransferase-Ii (AAC (6')-Ii) using a Bisubstrate Inhibitor Zhu S., Freiburger L.A., Auclair K., Mittermaier A.K.
09:00 00015 Backbone Ensembles for Multistate Computational Protein Design A Computational Study of Protein G Domain b1 Davey J.A., $Chica R.A.
09:20 00016 Multi-Scale Simulations of Protein Dynamics and Their Application to Modelling Protein Structure, Function and the Effect of Mutations Frappier V., Duch�ne D., *$Najmanovich R.J.
09:40 00017 The Mechanism of ClpB Protein Disaggregation by a Combined Biochemical Methyl TROSY NMR Approach *Rosenzweig R., Moradi S., Zarrine-Afsar A., Glover J.R., $Kay L.E.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00018 Energetics and Dynamics of Folding and pH-dependent Switching Function in Myristoylated Hisactophilin Smith M.T.J., MacKenzie D.W.S, Broom A., Shental-Bechor D., Levy Y., Ghashut F., *$Meiering E.M.
11:00 00019 Real-Time Monitoring of Tissue Transglutaminase Conformation using Kinetic Capillary Electrophoresis Clouthier C.M., Mironov G.G., Okhonin V., Berezovski M.V., *$Keillor J.W.
11:20 00020 Chimeric b-lactamases: Functional, Structural and Dynamic Investigation of Artificially-evolved Enzymes Gobeil S.M.C., Park J., Clouthier C.M., Gagn� D., Ebert M., *$Doucet N., Berghuis A., Pelletier J.N.
11:40 00021 Protein Dynamics in Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions *$Kohen A., Benkovic S.J.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Advances in Anticancer Drug Discovery
Organizer(s) - A. Siddiqui, R. Al-awar Chair(s) - R. Al-awar, A. Siddiqui
08:00 00022 Opposite Roles of the Proprotein Convertases Furin and PC5 in Glioma Invasion Sadr M.S., Maret D., *$Seidah N.G.
08:40 00023 Writers and Erasers of Histone Marks: Chemistry, Structures, Screening Successes and Failures Schapira M.
09:20 00024 Development of Novel Inhibitors of the Key Autophagy Initiating Enzyme, Atg4B Vezenkov L.L., *$Young R.N., Kovacic S., Nguyen T.G.
09:40 00025 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Pyrido[2,3-d] Pyrimidine Analogs as Prenylation Inhibitors Lacbay C., *Lin Y.-S., $Tsantrizos Y.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00026 Discovery and Characterization of Mutant IDH Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer *Lemieux R.M., Artin E., DeLaBarre B., Driggers E., Fantin V., Gross S., Hansen E., Kunii K., Popovici-Muller J., Salituro F., Saunders J., Schalm S., Straley K., Su M., Travins J., Wang F., Yang H., Yen K.
11:00 00027 The Discovery and Optimization of Small Molecule Antagonists of the WDR5-MLL Interaction Al-awar R., Getlik M., Smil D., Bolshan Y., Poda G., Senisterra G., Wu H., Allali-Hassani A., Wasney G.A., Barsyte-Lovejoy D., Dombrovski L., Dong A., He H., Seitova A., Chau I., Li F., Couture J.-F., Kuznetsova E., Marcellus R., Hajian T., Nguyen K.T.
11:20 00028 New Ruthenium(II)-Letrozole Complexes as Anticancer Therapeutics Castonguay A., Doucet C., Juhas M., *Maysinger D.
11:40 00029 The Discovery of PLK4 Inhibitors as Novel Anti-proliferative Agents Pauls H.
12:20 End of Session
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry (joint with IN1)
08:00 Joint with IN1 - See Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule
12:20 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with PT6)
08:00 Joint with PT6 - See Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy under Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Conversations on Teaching Analytical Chemistry: A Symposium in Memory of Walter Harris (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - C. Lucy, P. Britz-McKibbin, G. Charlet Chair(s) - C. Lucy, P. Britz-McKibbin
08:20 00030 The Legacy of Walter E. Harris on the Teaching of Analytical Chemistry in Canada Harrison D.J., *Lucy C.A.
08:40 00031 Determining Levels of Multiple Metals in Wild and Cultivated Mushrooms MacNeil J.H.
09:00 00032 Introduction of a New Surface Analyzer (NSA) *$Fatemi N.
09:20 00033 Integrative Analytical Laboratory Experiments: Experiences in Curriculum Renewal *Britz-McKibbin P.
09:40 00034 Learning in Small Steps: A Microfluidic Platform for University Level Analytical Chemistry Laboratories Greener J., Tumarkin E., Debono M., Dicks A.P., Kumacheva E.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00035 Development of E-Learning Modules for Analytical Chemistry *$Wenzel T.J.
11:00 00036 Case-based Activities in a Large Second-year Analytical Course *$Lekhi A., Musgrove A.
11:20 00037 What Do Our Students Thing of Our Use of Teaching Technologies? Harrison C.R.
11:40 00038 Incorporating Analytical Research Experience Into the Undergraduate Curriculum *$Thurbide K.B.
12:00 00039 Thoughts on Teaching Analytical Chemistry *$Wheeler A.R.
12:20 End of Session
Current topics in Environmental Chemistry
Organizer(s) - D. Lariviere, C. Fortin Chair(s) - C. Fortin, R.-M. Couture
08:00 00040 The New Route for Chemists: Integrate Sustainability in Research *$Lef�vre T.
08:20 00041 Les mat�riaux de r�f�rence analytiques, une police d'assurance qualit� Levert L.
08:40 00042 LodeStar - An Environmental Data Management Tool Coedy W., *McCarthy C., $Jackson J., Morneau V.
09:00 00043 Inorganic Mercury Speciation using Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy and APCI-Mass Spectrometry Ghoshdastidar A.J., Deeds D., *Ariya P.A.
09:20 00044 Lead Distribution in Bones from the Franklin Expedition *$Martin R.R., Naftel S.J., Nelson A.J., Macfie S.M., Jones K.W.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00045 Trends of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes (BTEX) in Montreal: 1989-2012 *$Melancon S., Boulet D.
10:40 00046 Do Organic Coatings Affect Photosensitizers at Water Surfaces in the Environment? Henderson E.A., $Donaldson D.J.
11:00 00047 Extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Soil Using Biodegradable Solvents *$Laredo T., Ferguson C.
11:20 00048 Novel Applications of a PDMS-Based Permeation Passive Sampler in Environmental Analysis Salim F., *G�recki T.
11:40 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - F. Caron, X. Dai, D. Lariviere Chair(s) - J. Cornett, P.J. Lebed
08:00 00049 AMS Analysis of 129I and its Application in Environmental and Oceanographic Tracer Studies *Hou X.
08:40 00050 Developments in the Carrier Free Iodine Extraction for Analysis of Iodine-129 *$Herod M.N., Cornett R.J, Clark I.D, Kieser W.E.
09:00 00051 The Royal Canadian Navy Environmental Radionuclide Monitoring Programme and I-131 Bioaccumulation *$Kelly D.G., Bennett L.G.I., Mattson K., McDonald C.M.
09:20 00052 Fluorescence Characterization of the Natural Organic Matter (NOM) in a Groundwater Plume Contaminated with 60Co and 137Cs *$Caron F., Riopel R., Siemann S.
09:40 00053 Further Progress Towards Production of Neptunium-236 *$Jerome S.M., Larijani C., Ivanov P.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00054 Detecting Ultra-trace Levels of Actinides with a Compact AMS System *$Christl M., Lachner J., Casacuberta N., Masque P., Dai X., Kramer-Tremblay S., Synal H.-A.
11:00 00055 Measuring 210Pb by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Sookdeo A., Cornett J., Kieser L., Zhao X.
11:20 00056 ICP-MS Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Isotopes in NRU Research Reactor Components *$Shi Y., Gubbala P.
11:40 00057 Mapping Radon in Quebec Dessau J.C.
12:00 00058 New Laboratory Approaches to the Processing of Environmental Samples for the Determination of Plutonium by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry O'Hara M.J., Farawila A.F., Minton T.D., Noyes K.L., Douglas M., Petersen S.L., Maiti T.C., $Grate J.W., Morrison S.S.
12:20 End of Session
Nanomaterials: Environmental Perspectives (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - E. Pelletier, J.-P. Gagne Chair(s) - E. Pelletier; G. Triffault-Bouchet and J.-P. Gagne
08:00 00059 Distinguishing the Effects of Nanoparticles from Those of the Free Ion $Hadioui M., Leclerc S., *Wilkinson K.J.
08:40 00060 Is Single Particle-ICP-MS "The" Metrology Tool for Engineered Nanoparticles in Environmental Matrices *$Stephan C.
09:00 00061 Fate of Naked and Coated Silver Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution Under Various Environmental Conditions *$Bardaxoglou G., Pelletier E, Rouleau C
09:20 00062 Aggregation Between Silver Nanoparticles and Dissolved Natural Organic Matter in Simulated Estuarine Waters Millour M., Pelletier E., *$Gagn� J.-P.
09:40 00063 Persistence of Silver Nanoparticles in Surface Water Hadioui M., *Wilkinson K.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00064 The Role of Iron Oxide Nanomaterials in Controlling the Fate of Arsenic Compounds *$Al-Abadleh H.A., Tofan-Lazar J.
11:00 00065 The Processing of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Atmospheric Contaminants Eltouny N., $Ariya P.A.
11:20 00066 Nanotechnology for Arsenic Remediation *$Apblett A., Barber K., Corter D., Brown Z., Piquette A.
11:40 00067 Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles (AuNP) from Grape Waste: Value Addition to Agricultural Waste *Krishnaswamy K., $Orsat V.
12:00 00068 Predicting the Transport and Fate of Functionalized Quantum Dots and a Model Polystyrene Nanoparticle in Natural Subsurface Environments Quevedo I.R., $Tufenkji N.
12:20 End of Session
Green Chemistry I:� Materials (joint with IN)
Organizer(s) - A. Goredema, A. Moores, T. Friscic Chair(s) - J.P. Lumb, T. Friscic
08:00 00069 Surface Modification of Non-Precious Metal Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Wasylenko D.J., *$Mayer J.M.
08:20 00070 Phosphorus-Based Polymers as Flame Retardants for Pulp and Paper Products Priegert A.M., Hu T.Q., *$Gates D.P.
08:40 00071 Water-soluble CdS-Titanate-Nickel Nanocomposites for Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Dinh C.T., Pham M.H., Kleitz F., *Do T.O.
09:00 00072 Design of Hollow Metal Oxide@TiO2-Pt using MOF Nanocrystals as Hard-Template for Visible Light-Induced Water Splitting into Hydrogen Pham M.-H., Dinh C.-T., Vuong G.-T., *Do T.-O.
09:20 00073 Hazards of Endocrine Disruption and How Chemists Can Avoid Them *Myers J.P., O'Brien K.P.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00074 Controlled Microstructure Block Copolymers Via Indium Catalyzed Living Polymerization of Cyclic Esters *$Mehrkhodavandi P., Yu I., Aluthge D., Xu C., Othman N., Hatzikiriakos S.
11:00 00075 Solvent-Free Mechanochemical Synthesis of Ultra-Small Monodisperse Amine Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles Rak M.J., Moores A., Friscic T.
11:20 00076 In Situ Synchrotron-based X-ray Powder Diffraction and Micro-Raman Measurements of Cellulosic Materials Under Hydrothermal Conditions Butler I.S., *Thomas M.L., $Kozinski J.A.
11:40 00077 Synthesis of a ZIF-8 Metal-Organic Framework Around BODIPY Fluorophores: A Bright Guest at Home Frenette M., Friscic T., Cosa G.
12:00 00078 Comprehensive Material Characterization at the Canadian Light Source: Opportunities and Challenges Stavitski E., Thompson J., Bergen E., Zhou J., Olson J., Reid J., van Loon L., Cutler J.
12:20 End of Session
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - X. Ottenwaelder, M. Couture Chair(s) - M. Couture, T. Storr
08:00 00079 Exploring the Structural and Functional Determinants of Selective Phosphopeptide Recognition Using Bivalent Zn2+-Coordination Complexes Kraskouskaya D., Duodu E., Gunning P.T.
08:20 00080 Insights into the Mechanism of OvoA and EgtB Bushnell E.A.C., Fortowsky G.B., *$Gauld J.W.
08:40 00081 Comparison of the Biological Activity of Anti-Arthritic Gold Drugs and Gold Nanoparticles *$James L.R.A., Ralph S.F., Dillon C.T.
09:00 00082 What Post-Translational Modifications of Cytochrome c Peroxidase Reveal About Its H2O2 Sensing and Signaling Functions *$English A.M., Kathiresan M.
09:20 00083 B12: A Bio-organometallic Magician Kr�utler B.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00084 Redox Non-innocent Thioether Ligands in Biologically-inspired Tripodal Copper Complexes *$Castillo I., S�nchez Egu�a B.N., Mart�nez-Alanis P.R., Ugalde-Sald�var V.M., Aull�n G.
10:40 00085 Copper-Arylnitroso Complexes as Structural and Reactive Models of Monooxygenases Askari M.S., *$Ottenwaelder X.
11:00 00086 Reactivity Studies of a Tetrairon Bis(nitride) Complex Derived from Molecular Dinitrogen MacLeod K.C., Grubel K., Brennessel W.W., *Holland P.L.
11:20 00087 How to Force P450 Enzymes to Do What We Want? *$Auclair K.
11:40 00088 Biomimetic Metal-Oxygen Intermediates in Dioxygen Activation Chemistry *$Nam W.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - K. Smith
08:00 00089 Structure and Bonding in Copper Carbenes *$Barry S.T., Coyle J.P.
08:20 00090 A Single Ligand for the Pd-Catalyzed Amination of Aryl Halides with Amines, NH Heterocycles, Ammonia and Hydrazine Crawford S.M., Lavery C.B., *Stradiotto M.
08:40 00091 Main-Group "Sandwiches" with Charge-controlled Structure *$Naumkin F.Y.
09:00 00092 Exploring Reductive Elimination from Chromium(III) Bis(Aryl) Complexes Zhou W., Desnoyer A.N., MacLeod K.C., *Smith K.M.
09:20 00093 Mechanistic Insights into the Stereoselective C-S Bond Cleavage of S-Heterocycles using Bridged and Non-Bridged Dinuclear Pt/Mn Complexes Zamora M.T., Oda K., Komine N., Hirano M., *$Komiya S.
09:40 00094 "Staying Alive": Understanding Ruthenium Methylidene Complexes, the Key Resting State in Olefin Metathesis Lummiss J.A.M., $Fogg D.E.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00095 Chemo- and Regioselective Catalytic Reduction of Pyridine Derivatives Lee S.H., Gutsulyak D., $Nikonov G.
10:40 00096 Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Stable, Monomeric Pd(I) and Pt(I) Cations MacInnis M.C., Zhou J., $Ozerov O.V.
11:00 00097 Synthesis & Reactivities of Nickel Pincer Complexes Featuring Imine Moieties: Isolation & Stabilization of Rare Pentacoordinate Pincer Complexes of Ni(II) Mougang-Soume B., *$Zargarian D. WITHDRAWN
11:20 00098 Metal-free Dehydrogenation of Amine-boranes by an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Sabourin K.J., Malcolm A.C., McDonald R., Ferguson M.J., $Rivard E.
11:40 00099 Coordination Chemistry of the Hydridophosphorane HP(OC6H4NMe)2 *$Montgomery C.D., Jelier B.J., Parlane F.G.L.
12:00 00100 Synthesis and Structure of New (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)vanadium Nitride Complexes *Shepard L.E., Parichy J.A., Rostan C., $Abernethy C.D.
12:20 End of Session
Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - S. Wang, F.-G. Fontaine, S. Westcott Chair(s) - S. Collins
08:00 00101 Transfer, Metathesis and Catenation: Reactivity Patterns Emerging from Borylenecomplexes *Braunschweig H.
08:40 00102 The Pull-Push Effect of B in Borane Reagents *$Fernandez E., Pubill-Ulldemolins C., Sole C., Cid J., Gulyas H., Palau G., Sanz X.
09:00 00103 Unusual Photochemical Reactivity of N,C-chelate Boron Compounds Lu J.S., Rao Y.L., Ko S.B., *$Wang S.
09:20 00104 A Bonanza of Novel Organoboron Reagents *$Yudin A.K.
09:40 00105 Aminoboranes: Dehydrogenation and Rehydrogenation Bates J.I., $Aldridge S.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00106 9,10-Diboraanthracene and 9-Borafluorene - Two Unlike Siblings Wagner M.
11:00 00107 The Human B-N: Eight Years of B-N Chemistry and Dehydrogenation Catalysis *$Baker R.T.
11:40 00108 Electron-Deficient Organoboranes: From Chiral Lewis Pairs to Macrocyclic Receptors *$Jaekle F., Chen J., Chen P., Lalancette R.A.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - D. Gusev, P. Diaconescu
08:00 00109 The Privileged Ligand Platform "PINCER": Inspiration, Surprises and Applications *van Koten G.
08:40 00110 Catalytic Cyanomethylation of Aldehydes Under Base-Free Conditions Chakraborty S., Patel Y.J., Krause J.A., *$Guan H.
09:00 00111 Ligand-Metal Cooperation in PCP Pincer Complexes *$Gelman D., Musa S.
09:20 00112 Exploring Carbon Dioxide Insertion into Group 10 Complexes Supported by Pincer Ligands *$Hazari N., Suh H. W., Schmeier T.J., Takase M.K.
09:40 00113 Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Transition Metal Complexes Featuring Sterically Demanding N-Phosphinoamidine Ligands Ruddy A.J., Small B.L., Sydora O.L., Stradiotto M., Turculet L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00114 Unusual Alkyl Exchange Reactivity at a Uranium(IV) Bis(Alkyl) Platform Supported by a Rigid NON-Donor Ligand Andreychuk N.R., Ilango S., Vidjayacoumar B., *$Emslie D.J.H., Jenkins H.A.
10:40 00115 Non-Symmetric Pincer Compounds. Recent Advances and Potential Applications *$Morales-Morales D., Cris�stomo-Lucas C., Avila-Sorrosa A.
11:00 00116 Mechanistic Hypothesis and Ligand Structure for Introducing Selectivity in the Ethylene Oligomerization Cycle Gambarotta S., Alzahmli A.
11:20 00117 Advantages of Organometallic Supporting Ligands *$Diaconescu P.L.
11:40 00118 Electron rich Nitrido Pincer Complexes: Lessons For N2 Fixation And Coupling *$Schneider S.
12:00 00119 Solid Phase Synthesis of Pincer Complexes *Aleksanyan D.V., Kozlov V.A.
12:20 End of Session
Green Chemistry I:� Materials (joint with IC2)
08:00 Joint with IC2 - See Green Chemistry I: Materials under Industrial Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Supramolecular Materials (joint with MT6)
08:00 Joint with MT6 - See Supramolecular Materials under Materials Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry (joint with OR7)
08:00 Joint with OR7 - See Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry under Organic Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Interfacing Nanostructures with Polymers - From Synthesis to Applications (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - A. Adronov, W. Skene Chair(s) - A. Adronov
08:00 00120 Stretchable Conductive Films through the Integration of Metallic Nanostructures with Polymers *$Carmichael T.B.
08:40 00121 Functional Nanomaterials from the Crystallization-Driven Solution Self-Assembly of p-Conjugated Block Copolymers $Kynaston E.L., Lunn D.J., Gwyther J., Patra S.K., Winnik M.A., *Manners I.
09:00 00122 Novel Polymers for the Suspension and Separation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Chadwick R.C., *$Adronov A.
09:20 00123 Nanostructures Assembled in Solution and at Interfaces Emrick T., Pentzer E., Lawrence J.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00124 Controlling Nanodomain Dimensions in Polymerized Bicontinuous Microemulsions *Brook M.A., Whinton M.
11:00 00125 Modular use of DNA Scaffolds for the Assembly of Diverse GNP Structures Lau K.L., Hamblin G.D., $Sleiman H.
11:20 00126 Optical and Dielectric Response Properties of Ag/PVDF Nanocomposites: A Computational Study *$Paci I.
11:40 00127 Inorganic/Polymer Nanocomposite Materials Based on Prussian Blue *$MacLachlan M.J., Roy X.
12:20 End of Session
Smart Stimuli-Responsive Materials (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - Y. Zhao, C. Barrett Chair(s) - Y. Zhao, S.-Y. Park
08:00 00128 Mimicking Fibrous Plant Tissues in Polymers Therien-Aubin H., Wu L, Moshe M., Greener J., Nie Z., Sharon E., $Kumacheva E.
Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award lecture:
08:40 00129 Control of Stimuli-responsive Polymers by New Methods and Materials Design Zhao Y.
09:20 00130 Temperature-controlled Self-assembly of Dihydrophilic Neutral and Cationic Diblock Copolymers of 2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline *$Winnik F.M., Qiu X.-P., Korchagina E.V., Sato T., Takahashi R., Terao K.
09:40 00131 Photo- and Thermo-responsive Polymersomes *Amstad E., Kim S.-H., $Weitz D.A.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00132 Smart Materials from Block Copolymers: New Challenges and Opportunities Gohy J.-F.
11:00 00133 Triblock Copolymers with a Cleavable Junction for Environmentally Friendly Amphiphobic Coatings $Liu G.J., *Rabnawaz M.
11:40 00134 Stimuli-responsive Linear Self-immolative Polymers: Tuning the Depolymerization Rate McBride R.A., Chen E.K.Y., DeWit M.A., *$Gillies E.R.
12:00 00135 Self-Assemblies and Thermo-Responsive Hydrogels of Pegylated Bile Acids *Strandman S., Le D�v�dec F., $Zhu X.X.
12:20 End of Session
Novel Aromatic Compounds: Molecular Materials and Devices
Organizer(s) - Y. Zhao, G. Bodwell Chair(s) - G. Bodwell
08:00 00136 Furo- and Selenopheno[3,4-c ]pyrrole-4,6-dione Copolymers : Bringing New Aromatic Units for Plastic Electronics Drouin S.H., Beaupr� S., *Leclerc M.
08:20 00137 Enhancing Intermolecular Interactions Through Expansion of the p-Conjugated Framework *$Brusso J.L., Afjeh S., Leitch A.A., Stobo K.A., Korobkov I.
08:40 00138 New Azomethine and Vinyls for Electrochromic Devices $Bolduc A., Al Ouahabi A., Mallet C., *Skene W.G.
09:00 00139 Carbo-Meric p-Conjugated Molecular Materials: Discotic Assemblies, Chromophoric and Conducting Properties *Chauvin R., $Maraval V., Lepetit C.
09:40 00140 Synthesis and Properties of a Series of 1,1,n,n-Tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes Unikela K.S., Thompson D.W., *$Bodwell G.J.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00141 4,10-Dibromoanthanthrone as a New Building Block for p-Type, n-Type, and Ambipolar p-Conjugated Materials Gigu�re J.-B., Verolet Q., *$Morin J.-F.
10:40 00142 Building with Benzene - Bowls, Donuts, and Nets *$King B.T.
11:20 00143 Quaternization of Phosphaviologen Towards Materials for Charge Storage Applications Stolar M., $Baumgartner T.
11:40 00144 New Discotic Liquid Crystalline Materials based on Acenequinone Derivatives *$Maly K.E., Paquette J.A., Yardley R.E.
12:00 00145 Highly Conjugated Organic Dyes and their Boron Complexes Nicholls-Allison E., $Hicks R.G.
12:20 End of Session
Supramolecular Materials (joint with IN)
Organizer(s) - H. Sleiman, A. Schmitzer, G. Hanan
08:00 00146 New Second and Third Row 4-Hydroxysalicylidenechitosan Schiff-base Complexes; Its Selective Adsorption of Pb(II) in Aqueous Media *$Mostafa S., Butler I., Anan N.
08:20 00147 Orientation, Relaxation and Mechanical Property Study of Supramolecular Side-chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers $Fu S., *Zhao Y.
08:40 00148 Supramolecular Aspects of New G-quadruplex-based Catalytic DNAs *$Sen D., Sekhon G.S., Barlev A.
09:20 00149 The Use of DNA's Chemical Information to Control the Structure of Matter *$Seeman N.C.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00150 Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-Inspired Nanostructures Designed for Therapeutic and Sensing Applications Voyer N.
11:00 00151 DNA Nanostructures Provide Access to Anisotropic 3D Block-Copolymer Self-Assembly Serpell C.J., de Vries J.W., McLaughlin C.K., Herrmann A., *Sleiman H.F.
11:20 00152 Imidazolium and Benzimidazolium Salts: From Chloride and Calcium Transport to Biological Applications Elie C.R., *$Schmitzer A.R.
11:40 00153 Nano-to-Microgram Scale X-Ray Analysis Using Porous Complexes *$Fujita M.
12:20 End of Session
Green Chemistry I:� Materials
08:00 Joint with IC2 - See Green Chemistry I: Materials under Industrial Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis (joint with IN4)
08:00 Joint with IN4 - See Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Interfacing Nanostructures with Polymers � From Synthesis to Applications (joint with MS3)
08:00 Joint with MS3 - See Interfacing Nanostructures with Polymers - From Synthesis to Applications under Macromolecular Science and Engineering for the schedule.
Nanomaterials: Environmental Perspectives (joint with EN8)
08:00 Joint with EN8 - See Nanomaterials: Environmental Perspectives under Environment for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Smart Stimuli-Responsive Materials (joint with MS6)
08:00 Joint with MS6 - See Smart Stimuli-Responsive Materials under Macromolecular Science and Engineering for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Surface Science of Biomimetic Films, "Green" Materials and Sustainable Nanocomposites (joint with SS6)
08:00 Joint with SS6 - See Surface Science of Biomimetic Films, "Green" Materials and Sustainable Nanocomposites under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Chemistry of Natural Products
Organizer(s) - N.A. Magarvey, R. Kerr, R. Britton Chair(s) - N. Magarvey; R. Britton
08:00 00154 Discovery of the Novel Polyketides Satosporins A-C by Investigating Members of the Genus Kitasatospora Cuillerier J.C., Berru� F., Haltli B., *$Kerr R.G.
08:20 00155 Simple Methods for Stereochemical Determination of Natural Products and Synthetic Analogues *$Derksen D.J.
08:40 00156 Structural Diversification, Biosynthetic Insights and Mechanism of Action Studies on the Jadomycins *$Jakeman D.L.
09:00 00157 Gene Cluster for Ebelactone Biosynthesis *$Harrison P.H.M, Ahilan Y., Wyatt M.A., Magarvey N.A.
09:20 00158 A Chemical Genetics Approach to the Discovery of Bioactive Marine Natural Products Andersen R.J.
10:00 Coffee Break
Alfred Bader Award lecture:
10:20 00159 Serendipity and Nature's Guide to Therapeutic Interventions Pinto B.M.
11:00 00160 Organoboron-based Methods for Oligosaccharide Synthesis and Natural Product Glycodiversification *$Taylor M.S., Beale T.M., Mancini R., McClary C.A.
11:20 00161 Total Synthesis of Virosine A Using One Pot Sequential Vilsmeier-Haack and Mannich Cyclizations *$B�langer G., Dupuis M., Larouche-Gauthier R.
11:40 00162 Radical and Carbenoid Functionalization of Indoles: Applications to Total Synthesis *$Kerr M.A.
12:20 End of Session
Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry (joint with IN)
Organizer(s) - J. Love, G. Sammis, J.-F. Paquin Chair(s) - J. Love
08:00 00163 Terminal Fluorocarbyne Complex of Rhodium and Related Reactivity *$Ozerov O.V., Zhu Y., Huacuja R., Hughes R.P.
08:40 00164 Rhodium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Nucleophilic Fluorination: Ring Opening of Oxabicyclic Alkenes Zhu J.T., $Tsui G.C., *Lautens M.
09:00 00165 XtalFluor-salts as Selective Deoxofluorinating Agents: From Process Design to New Perspectives *Turcotte-Savard M.-O.
09:20 00166 The Use of MgF3- and AlF4- to Probe Enzymatic Phosphorylation *$Jakeman D.L.
09:40 00167 Light-Mediated Decarboxylative Radical Fluorination Leung J.C.T., *Sammis G.M.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00168 The Coordination Behaviours of XeF2 and KrF2 Towards Metal and Non-Metal Centers; and the Application of Xe3OF3+ to the Syntheses of FXeONO2 and FXeOClO3 Breddemann U., Brock D.S., DeBackere J.R., Haner J., Ellwanger M., Mercier H.P.A., *$Schrobilgen G.J., Zemva B., Lozinsek M.
10:40 00169 A General Route to Perfluoroalkoxides from Hydrofluoroethers *Jelier B.J., Montgomery C.D., Howell J.L., Leznoff D.B., $Friesen C.M.
11:00 00170 The Catalytic, Enantioselective Conversion of Polyprenoids into C3-Fluorinated Polycyclic Hydrocarbons *$Gagne M.R.
11:20 00171 On the Road to Coordination Polymerization of Fluoroalkenes: 2+2 Additions to Nucleophilic Cobalt Fluorocarbenes Lee G.M., Harrison D.J., Leclerc M.C., Gorelsky S.I., Korobkov I., *$Baker R.T.
11:40 00172 Merck Chemistry Needs for Drug Discovery and Development *$Vachal P.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - T. Nguyen-Dang Chair(s) - T.T. Nguyen-Dang, C. Matta
08:00 00173 Spectroscopic Demonstration of Ortho-Water Enrichment Using a Novel Magnetic Focusing Methodology Turgeon P.A., *$Ayotte P., Lisitsin E., Kravchuk T., Meir Y., Alexandrowicz G.
08:40 00174 Molecular Magnetism: A Survey Through Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Turek P.
09:20 00175 Application of Model Core Potentials to Computation of NMR Shielding Parameters for Small Molecules *Fitzsimmons A., $Klobukowski M.
09:40 00176 Neutron Generator Facility and Radiochemistry Laboratories at Simon Fraser University *$Starosta K., Andreoiu C., Ashley R., Chester A., D'Auria J., Rizwan U., Voss P.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00177 Vibrational Spectra of Chrysene, 1,2:3,4-Dibenzanthracene and Benzo[a]pyrene Oladepo S.A., Shaw J.M., *$Michaelian K.H.
10:40 00178 Spectroscopy Study of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Actuator Ringuette S., *$Pimentel R., Gravel J.-F.
11:00 00179 A Quantitative Raman and Ab Initio Investigation of Aqueous Copper (I) Chloride Complexes up to 80 �C Applegarth L.M.S.G.A., *Pye C.C., $Tremaine P.R.
11:20 00180 Electrolyte-gated Transistors Based on Light-emitting Solution-processable Films Sayago J., Sivalingam Y., Patel M., Cicoira F., *$Santato C.
11:40 00181 Surface-Immobilized Heteroleptic NHC Rh Complexes Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V., Keske E.C., Crudden C., *Horton J.H.
12:00 00182 Spectroelectrochemistry of Ultra-Thin MnO2 Electrodes in Protic Ionic Liquids Castro Ruiz C.A., *$Rochefort D., B�langer D.
12:20 End of Session
New Ideas for using Quantum Mechanics to Understand Chemistry
Organizer(s) - T. Carrington Jr., G. Peslherbe, P.-N. Roy Chair(s) - T. Carrington Jr., N.J. Mosey
Keith Laidler Award lecture:
08:00 00183 Molecular Dynamics at Ultracold Temperatures Krems R.
09:00 00184 Aspects of Excitation with Incoherent Light Brumer P.
09:20 00185 Atoms and Bonds in Molecules: A Radial Density Analogue to the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules Besaw J.E., Poirier R.A., Warburton P.L.
09:40 00186 The Local Schr�dinger Equation Method Using Sparse Cubature Grids *$Anderson J.S.M., Ayers P.W., Nakatsuji H., Nakashima H.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00187 Two-Determinant Mixing with a Strong-Correlation Density Functional Becke A.D.
10:40 00188 A New Mean-Field Method for Strong Correlation From the Wavefunction Forms of Exactly Solvable Model Hamiltonians *$Ayers P.W., Limacher P.A., Johnson P.A., Van Neck D., De Baerdemackers S., Bultinck P.
11:00 00189 Efficient Approximations to the Exact-Exchange Potential *$Staroverov V.N., Ryabinkin I.G.
11:20 00190 Towards the Calculation of Two- and Multi-Electron Excitations with DFT Seidu I., *Ziegler T.
11:40 00191 A Generalized Valence Bond Density Functional Method Cullen J.
12:00 00192 The Validity of the Decomposition of the Dispersion Energy Into Atom-Atom Contributions *$Hollett J.W., Gill P.M.W.
12:20 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - M. Auger, D. Bryce Chair(s) - M. Auger
08:00 00193 Atomic-level Insights into Misfolding and Toxicity Related to Alzheimer's and Type II Diabetic Diseases Brender J., Krishnamoorthy J., Sciacca M., Kotler S., Vivekanandan S., Lee D.-K., *$Ramamoorthy A.
08:40 00194 Solid-State NMR Investigations of an Integral Membrane Water Channel Human Aquaporin 1 Emami S., Wang S., Brown L.S., Ladizhansky V.
09:00 00195 NMR Spectroscopic Studies of D2O in Restricted Environments *$Ooms K.J., Woudstra J.M., VanderSchee C.R., Ripmeester M.J., Vanderveen J.R.
09:20 00196 Structure and Dynamical Properties of Whole Anchoring Threads from the Blue Mussel - the Effect of Hydration Arnold A.A., S�guin-Heine M.-O., Byette F., Genard B., Tremblay R., Pellerin C., *$Marcotte I.
09:40 00197 Characterization of Pharmaceuticals and Polymorphic Forms Using Indirectly Detected 1H-15N HETCOR SSNMR Spectroscopy Johnston K.E., Kobayashi T., Pruski M., *$Schurko R.W.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00198 NMR Methods for Measuring Lateral Diffusion in Membranes *$Macdonald P.M., Saleem Q., Lai A., Morales H.H.
10:40 00199 Spectroscopic Investigation of the Mode of Action of Synthetic Amphiphilic Peptides with Antimicrobial Potential Fillion M., Goudreault M., Valois-Paillard G., Lorin A., No�l M., Voyer N., Auger M.
11:00 00200 Studies of Intrinsic T1n Relaxation in Biological Solids at Cryogenic Temperatures *Potapov A., Thurber K., $Tycko R.
11:20 00201 Structural Studies of Self-Assembling Peptides and Proteins *$Sharpe S., Walsh P., Yau J., Reicheld S., Simonetti K.
11:40 00202 Improving Acquisition of Ultra-Wideline 14N Solid-State NMR Spectra Veinberg S.L., Harris K.J., Lupulescu A., Frydman L., *$Schurko R.W.
12:00 End of Session
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with SS1)
08:00 Joint with SS1 - See Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - P. McBreen, R.A. Wolkow, L.-L. Tay Chair(s) - P. McBreen, R. Lipson, L.-L. Tay
08:00 00203 Building Atom-Scale Circuitry Wolkow R.A.
08:20 00204 Science at the Edge: Quantum Magnetic Phenomena at Contacts with Self-Assembled Nanogranular Materials *$Dhirani A.-A., Tie M., Joanis P., Feng H., Feng H., Niewczas M.
08:40 00205 Surface Science at the Interfaces with Liquids and Dense Gaseous Environment Using Electron Transparent Membranes *$Kolmakov A.
09:00 00206 Raman Scattering Properties of J-Aggregated Dyes inside Carbon Nanotubes and their use as Raman Tags Gaufr�s E., Tang N.Y.W., Lapointe F., Cottenye N., Szkopek T., *$Martel R.
09:20 00207 Molecules Interacting with Ag Nanocrystal Plasmons: Single Molecule Raman Scattering and Charge Transfer Photochemistry *Brus L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00208 My 44-year Affair with the Localized Surface Plasmon Moskovits M.
11:00 00209 Plasmon-enhanced Spectroscopies: Back to the Future *$Halas N.J.
11:40 00210 Building Plasmonic Polymers Liu K, Nie Z, Lukach A, Klinkova A, Lee A, $Kumacheva E
12:00 00211 From Nano Bumps to Vertical U-shape Three-dimensional Gold Nano-rings and Toroidal Metamaterials in Optical Region Wu P.C., Chen W.T., Tseng M.L., Chang C.M., Yang K.Y., Huang Y.W., Liao C.Y., *Tsai D.P.
12:20 End of Session
Surface Science of Biomimetic Films, "Green" Materials and Sustainable Nanocomposites (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - E. Cranston Chair(s) - E. Cranston, B. Zhao
08:00 00212 Block Copolymer Materials for Green Control of Biofouling *$Walker G.C., Gunari N., Kim K., Grozea C.
08:40 00213 Formation of an Antimicrobial Coating Comprised of Charged Functionalized Nanoparticles Studied Using a Dissipative Quartz Crystal Microbalance Dixon M., *Ferrarelli M., Jaiswal A., Poggi M.
09:00 00214 Fabrication and Characterizations of Biomimetic Micro and Nano Structured Surfaces Shahsavan H., McDonald B., *$Zhao B.
09:20 00215 SLIPS - Slippery, Ultra-low Adhesion and Omniphobic Surfaces *Hatton B.D., Wong T.S., Vogel N., $Aizenberg J.
09:40 00216 Mimicking a Tannin: Creating a Phenolic Surface Using Self-Assembly Rajasingam A., Schmidt R., Forgione P., DeWolf C.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00217 In Situ Observation of the Action of Cellulolytic Enzymes and Synergy Between Different Cellulolytic Enzymes on Cellulose Microfibrils *$Dutcher J.R., Raegen A.N., Reiter K., Wang J., Quirk A., Clarke A.J., Lipkowski J.
11:00 00218 High Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy for the Structural Characterization of Cellulose Nanostructures *$Moran-Mirabal J.M., Bolewski J.C.
11:20 00219 Reactive Polyvinylamine-Graft-TEMPO/Laccase Complex Giving Wet Cellulose Adhesion *Pelton R., Liu J.
11:40 00220 Surface Characterization of Nanocellulose Thin Films Kan K.H. M., Hu Z., Sato T., Pelton R., *$Cranston E.D.
12:00 00221 Self-Assembled Photonic Materials with Chiral Nematic Structures Kelly J.A., $MacLachlan M.J.
12:20 End of Session

Top of Conference Schedule
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